مرطب الوجه الطبيعي بالكولاجين
Robert Research Labs, Collagen Care, For the Skin, 7.5 fl oz (221 ml)
مرطب بالكولاجين يساعد على تحسين لون البشرة واعطائها نظاره وليونه .
مكونات الكريم :
الماء , بوليسوربات ٢٠ , الجليسرين , الكولاجين زيت بذور دوار الشمس الخ .
الكريم للاستخدام الخارجي فقط .. تجنب ملامستة للعين , يحفظ عن متناول الاطفال وعن اشعة الشمس المباشرة .
تعليقات المشترين من موقع اي هيرب :
"I don't believe this product can be good anti wrinkle product, but I like to use it for my body, sometimes for my face too. It's very good for dry skin, makes it soft vey qyickly, not heavy, not oily. Nice product for nice price. Just try it, you will not loos anything."
"I have been using this for several years, and have been consistently pleased with the moisturizing results and the manner in which it keeps deep wrinkles at bay! The price charged by iHerb is excellent, and certainly beats the socks off most of their competition!"
" used this product years ago and everyone guessed my age to be much younger. I always got compliments on my skin. Then I ran out and could not find it. When I did, I ordered several bottles! I look younger already, with only 2 weeks' use. My husband has commented on how soft my hands are, and my daughters said my hands look younger too. Now, they are using the product and it is helping their complexions become smoother and healthier looking. Don't wait, try it! It is the best beauty product I have ever used!"
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