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شامبو من جيوفاني بشجرة الشاي من اي هيرب

شامبو من جيوفاني بشجرة الشاي
Giovanni, Tea Tree Triple Treat Invigorating Shampoo, 8.5 fl oz (250 ml)
شامبو من جيوفاني بشجرة الشايGiovanni, Tea Tree Triple Treat Invigorating Shampoo, 8.5 fl oz (250 ml)
شامبو  يناسب جميع انواع الشعر يحتوي على زيوت نباتية وزيت النعناع للاحساس ببرودة الشعر , يعطي شعرك نعومة وملمس حريري .

ينشط الدورة الدموية في فروة الراس .
يقوي الشعر مع 3 زيوت عضوية .
يحتوي الشامبو على شجرة الشاي العضوي التي تساعد على ازالة قشرة الرأس وتخفيف جفاف الشعر .
شامبو من جيوفاني بشجرة الشاي Giovanni, Tea Tree Triple Treat Invigorating Shampoo, 8.5 fl oz (250 ml)
تعليقات المشترين في موقع اي هيرب :
"Works great on my hair, leaves it shiny, light, although has to be used with conditioner for detangling. I buy the Tripple Treat Conditioner to go with the shampoo. I've already been using these products for 3 months and will definitely keep buying them more. Most important is that all the ingredients are natural, no harmful chemicals!"
"I started using this shampoo about a month ago and was startled by how much old product it removed from my hair. My hair is now lighter, silkier and so much more manageable. Just be careful not to let it drip into your eyes or those of your little ones. It burns! Highly recommended! A truly wonderful organic shampoo."
"It's very good for scalp skin of Seborrheic dermatitis .It feels cold, when shampooing. "
"This is one of the only shampoos that works for my delicate hair & sensitive/oily scalp. It would be too drying for some people, but I have a naturally oily scalp so it's perfect."
لشراء الشامبو من اي هيرب :



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