معجون الاسنان بعشبة الايورفيدا والنعناع المنعش
Auromere, Ayurvedic Herbal Toothpaste, Fresh Mint, 4.16 oz (117 g)
مميزات المنتج :
يكفي وضع كمية بسيطه من المعجون في الفرشاة .
لا يحتوي على الفورايد ولا الغلوتين ولا البارابين ولا المبيضات او الالوان او المحليات الصناعية , نباتي ولا يوحتوي على اي مكونات او مواد حيوانية, نقي وطبيعي وفعال وحقيقي بطعم النعناع المنعش تم اضافة ٢٣ عشبة اضافية.
الايورفيدا تجمع بين التنظيف والتطهير بشكل طبيعي والانتعاش , ويحتوي المنتج على الاضافات التالية :
جذر عرق السوس الهندي, الركان , العنب , الارك , التفاح , القرنفل, الجليسرين (الزيوت النباتية) اللوز الجوز الماء البلوط القرفة زيت النعناع زيت الكافور ملح البوتاسيوم زيت الزعتر الخ .
تعليقات المشترين من اي هيرب :
"مو مره حلو ماحسس تغير شي من استخدمته تنظيفه عاديه"
"المعجون جميل للاسنان ينظف وبدون رغوه كثيفه هذا ما يميز"
"Amazing stuff, that actually works :-)
The taste is so unusual, mild, minty-fresh, without being overpowering,
with subtle tones of licorice, cinnamon and all other kinds of zingly
herbal goodness!
You can actually feel the toothpaste working as you brush, it makes your
gums feel super-clean, your teeth sparkle, have the squeaky-clean
feeling and the subtle flavours are just stunning.
I was looking for a natural tooth paste without nasty saccharin or other
artificial sweeteners, and I've found it. It also has no fluoride.
I have to say, quite honestly, that this is the best toothpaste I have
ever used in my life! The freshness that it leaves in your mouth many
hours later is subtle, but "there" and your teeth still fell so
incredibly clean and zingy as if you'd just brushed your teeth a few
minutes ago.
It doesn't overpower the taste of coffee or food, it almost takes a step
back while you're eating and drinking and then subtly pops back up to
let you know it's still helping keep your mouth clean in between
brushing. Incredible stuff. Can you tell that I'm seriously impressed!
I've just logged into iHerb from the UK and ordered 2 packs as it's
actually cheaper to order from here, even with shipping than it would be
to buy 2 packs from a store in the UK! (Plus I added some shampoo,
tribulus and lip balm and incredibly it was STILL cheaper (with DHL
express) than here in the UK for 2 tubes!
Buy some today, you won't regret it!"
"I've been using this brand of toothpaste for over a year and I don't
think I'll ever go back to the grocery store name brands. My teeth and
gums are healthier says my dental hygeinist.I don't have plaque build-up
and my teeth stay white even though i drink coffee and tea! Plus I feel
better using a natural product. I would recommend this toothpaste to
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