القائمة الرئيسية


Aztec Secret, Indian Healing Clay قناع الطين الهندي

Aztec Secret, Indian Healing Clay
قناع الطين الهندي

الماسك عبارة عن طين بنتونيت الكالسيوم معروف بقدرتة على امتصاص السموم الاوساخ والزيوت والمواد الكميائية المتراكمة ع البشرة يطهرها وينظفها ويعالج حب الشباب ويخف من اثارها يقلل الروؤس السوداء والمسامات الواسعة 

 تعليقات بالعربي :

انصحكم فيه عبارة عن ماسك او قناع اخضر للوجه يعالج حب الشباب وممتاز للبشرة الدهنية يعطي صفاء للبشرة و يخلصها من السموم ويمتص الاوساخ من اعماق المسامات و يصغر المسامات بشكل ملحوظ جدا يعني بتلاحظون النتائج من اول استخدام مثل ما صار معي.. وطريقة استعماله المذكورة على العلبه هو انه يجب خلط كمية متساوية من هذا الطين مع كمية متساوية من خل التفاح ولذا ما عندك خل تفاح حطي موية..واذا بشرتك جافة حطي ملعقة صغيرة زبت جوجوبا معه..وانتظري من خمسة الى عشرة دقايق اذا بشرتك حساسة واذا بشرتك عادية و تتحمل انتظري الى 20 دقيقة.. واغسليه بماء دافيء..ونسيت اقول انك بتحسيت بوخز او ان بشرتك مشدودة عند وضع الماسك و ايضا بعد ازالته ممكن يكون احمرار خفيف وهذا شي طبيعي..

افضل شي ممكن تشتريه من اي هيرب ، يناسب جميع البشرات . يخلط ملعقة واحدة مع موية ويكون في وعاء بلاستيكي وملعقة بلاستيكية عشان ما تتحلل وينحط على البشرة لمدة ٢٠-٣٠ دقيقة يصغر مسامات الوجه وينظف البشرة من افضل المنتجات الي استخدمتها لبشرتي. 

من افضل اقنعة الوجه فائدة الطين الهندي دايم يخلص من المتجر يجعل البشرة نظره + يزيل البقع السوداء وشوائب الوجه اعجبني وسأقوم بشرائه مرة اخرى

تعليقات بالانجليزي :

I have acne prone skin and have had stubborn blackheads on my nose for over a decade. I bought this clay after hearing about bentonite's detoxing properties and its ability to pull dirt and oil out of the skin. I recieved my package and mixed two teaspoons of the mask with one teaspoon of organic ACV and two teaspoons of aloe vera gel. This made enough to cake a very, very thick layer on my face. It took a long time to dry- well over an hour. As the mask dried, I felt slowly it tightening and my skin, especially the skin of my nose, was noticeably pulsing. Very strange feeling! The tightening/pulsing was uncomfortable to endure for so long, but it was not untolerable. The mask was pretty difficult to wipe off of my face, even after trying to soften it by laying a hot towel over my face. It probably took 30 minutes clean my face. Once the mask was off, the first thing I looked at was my nose and I was ecstatic! Some of the blackheads are gone completely and the others have lightened considerablyI This is after years of (unsuccessfully) trying every product for blackheads out there from Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque to those dreadful Biore pore strips. The second thing I noticed was that the size of my pores were reduced! So awesome! And this is only after one use. I can't wait to see what my skin will look like after a month of use! 

I first saw this on youtube and a young lady had a positive review on it. Then i went and searched more about this clay on youtube and saw several other reviewers. What I notIced was that they really had flawless skin. So anyways i bought this product and it came in three days. I got a glass bowl and mixed evil amounts of this clay and vinegar. When i applied the mixture on my face i did notice just very little pulsating but it tightened my skin more. When i washed it off my skin was pretty red and it feltmvery soft. However my pimples were still the same size. However after an hour of washing it off, i noticed that the pimples had reduced in size. The next day the pimples were gone or barely even noticeable. I was soo shocked, and i didnt know something so natural could work for me soo well. I apply it twice a week and i should say that it is a bit time consuming and it is messy. i use it twice a week. I realized that my skin has really few breakouts then it did before. I still get a pimple or two but it is not as bad as I was getting before i used the clay. This is also very slowly helping with my hyperpigmentation from acne. I realized thst this clay really helped improve my skin and my confidence. I wish i knew about this product before, because i wasted so much money on acne medications such as epiduo, adaplane, tretinoin, tazorac, benozyl peroxide, ziana, clearasil, etc. I wish this product was adveritzed more, because it really does have miracles.i havemild acne btw and it is hormonal. I also notioced that there is a part of my cheeks that I usually break out the most, and after I started using this clay the area of my cheek stopped breaking out in that area. I have never been soo content with my skin ever before. This clay which is soo affordable has changed my life so much, and I am so thankful that i found this. If you are debating on buying this product i hghly recommend that u do because ir really helps the skin good luck! 


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